Underlight Angler - Fishing Artifact: Gain and Leveling
This pack of quester profile (XML) for wrobot bot for World of Warcraft.
This profile will automaticaly travel to The Broken Isles and get Underlight Angler and level up this artefact.
Both faction supported: Alliance and Horde.
Based on wowhead guide.
- Download archive
- Extract archive in to WRobot\ (profiles and libraries must be in folders WRobot\Profiles\Quester\camelot10\Legion\ and WRobot\Profiles\Quester\camelot10\Libs\)
- Start wrobot with profile
What you can get with this profiles:
- artifact Underlight Angler
- achievement Bigger Fish to Fry
- skill Fishing at 800
- Level up Underlight Angler in Suramar
- tons of fish and unique lures
Dalaran Hearthstone
- 110+ Level
- (optional) Broken Isles Pathfinder
- (optional) ~50 Arcane Lure
- (optional) free bags space (for fish and lures)
- (optional) item level 830+
- (optional) mail and vendoring setup (to send or sell fishes when leveling artifact)
Start at Conjurer Margoss flying island and profile gain 50 Arcane Lure, otherwise this step skipped. This greatly reduce overall time
- Support for all fishing poles with Fishing +20 or higher
- Use Mark of Aquaos to speed up gaining Arcane Lure
- Automatic travel to destination, start from anywhere
- Learn Fishing if your character not know it
- Raise max Fishing whean skill reach limit
- Use Arcane Lure if your character have any in backpack
- Use Weather-Beaten Journal if you catch/have it and not learned Find Fish
- Use Fishing Guide to Draenor if you catch/have it and max Fishing below 700
- Use all skill-up fishes to raise Fishing up to 800
- Last step is leveling of Underlight Angler in Suramar ocean by power-up fishes. Runs until stopped by hands
Demo Limitation
- Fisherbot profile in Suramar Ocean (East)
Known Issues
- Discover as much Flightpoint as possible to speed up profile
If you get stuck/bugged: please, send me detailed info about: faction, class, fightclass, wrobot plugins, profile and quest/bug/place if you can.
If you want feature or report bug quickest way: private me
39.3 KB
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