This pack of quester profiles (XML) for wrobot bot for World of Warcraft.
This profile will do quests in Suramar for both factions (Horde and Alliance).
Used wowhead guide and zygor.
What you can get with this profiles:
- Achievement Nightfallen But Not Forgotten
- Achievement Now You're Thinking With Portals
- Achievement Leyline Bling
- Achievement Good Suramaritan
Ancient Mana full limit
- Huge amount of Artifact Power
- Unlock Withered Army scenario
- Unlock The Arcway dungeon
- Unlock Court of Stars dungeon
- Unlock all world quests in Suramar
- Alot of reputation with The Nightfallen
- No Insurrection Campaign (i will release it later as separate pack)
- You need to manualy complete raid quest The Emerald Nightmare: The Stuff of Dreams
- Download archive
- Extract archive in to WRobot\
- profiles must be in folder WRobot\Profiles\Quester\camelot10\Legion\ and WRobot\Profiles\Quester\camelot10\Libs\
- IMPORTANT! Get out of Class Hall
- Start wrobot with profile
Demo Limitation
Only chain of quests for first step Nightfall in Nightfallen But Not Forgotten. This will open Shal'Aran for your charcter, Suramar base world quests and The Nightfallen faction
If you get stuck/bugged: please, send me detailed info about: faction, class, fightclass, wrobot plugins, profile and quest/bug/place if you can.
I am not assiciated at WRobot company, delivered in 12h, you can contact me by private message
107 KB
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