Azsuna Questing
This pack of quester profiles (XML) for wrobot bot for World of Warcraft.
This profile will do all quests in Azsuna for both factions (Horde and Alliance).
Used wowhead guide and zygor
What you can get with this profiles:
- all quests in Azsuna required for achievement Azsuna Matata
- all bonus quests in Azsuna
- all side quests in Azsuna
- ~+2-3 level
- Supports demon hunter choice: Altruis the Sufferer or Kayn Sunfury
- Download archive
- Extract archive in to WRobot\ (profiles must be in folder WRobot\Profiles\Quester\camelot10\Legion\ and WRobot\Profiles\Quester\camelot10\Libs\)
- IMPORTANT! Start Azsuna quest in Class Hall table and get out of Class Hall
- Start wrobot with profile
Demo Limitation
Only chain of quests for first step Behind Legion Lines in Azsuna Matata:
If you get stuck/bugged: please, send me detailed info about: faction, class, fightclass, wrobot plugins, profile and quest/bug/place if you can.
If you want feature or report bug quickest way: private me
59.4 KB
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